DMTT recently supported Andrew Penney’s “Journey Back to Tennis” with a grant towards a tennis wheelchair.
15 year old Andrew, a sport teenager keen on tennis and cricket was left using a wheelchair after forgetting how to walk due to amnesia triggered when he suffered extreme pain after a routine operation back in October 2018.
He was later diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, allodynia, with post-traumatic stress disorder from the trauma ‘wiping’ his memory of the last 14 years of his life, with his mother Linda explaining: ‘He was in such severe pain and was misunderstood which caused his mental health to deteriorate.’
Andrew has recently featured in the national press – you can read his full story here and his YouTube video is featured on DMTT’s YouTube Channel
Andrew is now playing wheelchair tennis and is a member of the LTA’s National Wheelchair Tennis Programme and all of us at DMTT wish him well for the future.